第13回 サロン

  • 開催日:2004年10月15日
  • 開催時間:18:15~
  • 開催地:大阪府
  • 詳細

    場 所 ガーデンシティクラブ大阪(TEL 06-6343-7770)
    大阪市北区梅田2丁目 ハービスOSAKA 6階
    講 演 Practical aspects of Anglo-Saxon IP law and its enforcement
    – what the Japanese inventor should know
    (IP:Intellectual property)
    講演者 Prof. Ian Harrington
    英国弁護士  (Solicitor, Barrister)
    (McDermott Will & EmeryのLondon事務所所属)
    In this seminar I would like to outline the common features in UK/Euopean patent and IP law, and describe the major differences with Japanese patent law. In particular, in light of current evelopments,

    I would like to look at the practical options and consequences for a Japanese inventor making a patent application for European jurisdictions, and discuss some particular points of interest concerning the English legal system which are important in deciding where and how to take legal measures against possible patent infringement.